Oxygen Tank Holder

Whether we like it or not, we all need to stay hydrated. The amount of water you need a day depends on your body. This can vary from person to person. If your body doesn’t get enough water, consequences to your health can range from a nuisance like a headache to being more at risk for developing certain conditions. The good news is, if you are worried about having to carry a bottle of water with you all day, there’s an accessory for that. Wheelchair cup holders allow you to carry water or your favorite beverage anywhere you go, all while driving hands free. Our power wheelchair cup holder attaches right to your motorized wheelchair, freeing up your hands to drive your electric wheelchair. Whether you spend the day out or stay at home, you can have your favorite drink within arm’s reach.

(주)에브리봇모빌리티  |  대표 정우철

경기도 과천시 과천대로7나길 60, A동 6층(과천어반허브)

사업자번호 : 404-86-03523 [확인]

통신판매업신고 제 2024-성남분당A-0783 호

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